
Phyllis and Cindy are offering several on-line courses. Since our students live all over the globe, we will organize students based on geographic regions, so that class times can be reasonable. Contact us for more information or to register:

Available courses:

“It’s All About the Face” Quilted Portraits Course – This 5-session course is an online, personalized, interactive, and very comprehensive series of classes, based on our book “It’s All About the Face.”

Advanced Quilted Portraits Course – This online, interactive, 4-session course is based on our second book “More Than Just a Pretty Face.”

Quilted Animal Fabric Portraits Course – This is an online, personalized, interactive, 2-session course of 5 hours to teach you to “paint” an animal portrait using bits and pieces of printed fabrics.

Adobe® Photoshop® Elements Essentials Course – This course is a single session covering how to use photo-editing software to manipulate and posterize your photograph into a design pattern for your quilted portrait.

For more information or to register for a class, send an email to:

Typically our courses begin around 1:00 pm (13:00) EST or 1:30 pm (13:30) EDT (local time in New York City).
To calculate the start time for your local time zone, click this link: